Monday, October 31, 2011

Getting High(;

Smoking a bowl in bed. Blue dream(: Best shit i've gotten in a while. I got this big nug today for a good deal, thats the only reason. I don't normally have enough money to buy KB but my guy hooked me up real nice. ;) I don't have a camera to take a picture but this is pretty much what mine looks like. Not 100%. Still nice.

First Post(: Happy Halloween!

Date: 10/31/2011
Time: 11:05pm
Place: My bed

Happy Halloween!! :) My name is Jane, no joke, and I have decided to start making a blog of my life and my love of marijuana. <3 I would love to start things off by telling you a bit about myself in this post. :) My name is Jane W., I live in Delaware, in a little shit town. Just advice on if you're going to visit Delaware...don't. There isn't shit to do except deal with stupid ass tourists who can't fucking drive right, and get high. So I do both. :) The bud around here is decent, dealers mostly sell high grade mids but some sell good ass kine bud if you know the right people to buy from. Until next time!